
Fighting the SEO battle with PWA

Let’s see what are the main areas that need special care in terms of SEO for PWAs, and the latest versions of Magento PWA Studio specifically Crawlability Accessibility by Social Media sites Internal links and proper use of history API Unique titles, meta tags, snippets HTTP status codes Lazy loading of images XML sitemaps and […]


Why Magento?

For 8 years Magento has been the principal e-commerce platform for our clients and development team, and the one we most often recommend… Why Magento? That’s a question best answered by each of these areas- development, clients and us as a consulting firm. DEVELOPERS VIEW Our technical team loves Magento – why Magento? Most importantly […]

Knowledge News

Magento Bulk API

One of the great improvements of Magento 2 is its new API, which can be easily leveraged by users and is easy to extend for Magento programmers. The automatically generated Swagger documentation makes the REST interface even more practical. The Magento 2 API covers all main import/export flows of a web shop: creation and update […]