Composable Commerce Explained & What Adobe’s API Mesh Means For Adobe Commerce thumbnail

Composable Commerce Explained & What Adobe’s API Mesh Means For Adobe Commerce

In the ever-evolving world of digital commerce, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Composable Commerce represents a natural progression for customers of Adobe Commerce and Magento, providing a means to advance your existing platform without incurring substantial risks. In this post, we’ll provide a high-level overview of Composable Commerce, its significance, its evolution, and […]


Unlocking the Potential of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in the World of Marketplaces

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, marketplaces have become the go-to destination for consumers seeking a wide range of products and services. With the rise of mobile usage, businesses are constantly looking for innovative ways to enhance user experiences and engage customers effectively. Enter Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), a revolutionary technology that combines the best of […]


Recognizing the Signs: When It’s Time to Part Ways with Your Magento Systems Integrator

Let’s face it, navigating the digital commerce landscape is challenging. Regardless of your brand’s ecommerce history, “digitally native,” hybrid or new to the digital commerce scene, the last thing you want is a negative partnership with the systems integrator (SI) guiding your brand’s market presence. In the world of digital commerce, just like in your […]


How to Accelerate your Magento PWA Project

What is a project accelerator? What a software vendor can provide to help this approach is providing some sort of accelerator offering, a set of standardized features, technologies solutions, and integration pre-compiled and pre-configured to get the project up to speed quickly, supplemented by a strong dedication to finding simple, efficient methods to customize the […]

Knowledge News

How to Boost Marketplaces with PWAs – Introducing the ITG PWA Marketplace Accelerator Package

Marketplaces in our pockets Online marketplaces are the virtual counterparts of physical retail marketplaces, wholesale markets, or shopping malls. They are platforms of the digital age where sellers can meet buyers and a range of products are sold to a variety of customers from a variety of suppliers. Amazon, eBay, Alibaba – the biggest webshops […]