
Introducing the ITG PWA Blog Series

We are happy to share some of these experiences and the lessons learned with the community and for any merchants considering a PWA implementation in 2021.  Over the course of January and February we will be releasing a detailed article each week.  We encourage you to follow along, comment, and let us know of your […]


Today ITEGRATION becomes ITG Commerce

We are proud to announce a new chapter in the life of our company. We are changing our name to realign our company name, logo and vision around what we do best: providing PWA, Marketplace, and Adobe Commerce solutions. From today forward we are ITG Commerce. Our long-term expertise is delivering advanced solutions, leveraging the Magento […]


Magento 2 Security Updates, January 2020

Version 2.3.4 of Magento 2 security updates include more than 30 security enhancements: Cross-site scripting (XSS) and remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities There are no records of these types of attacks to date. Magneto identified some vulnerability that can exploit and can get access to the administrative control to access customer information. Magento reminds users to […]


Why Magento?

For 8 years Magento has been the principal e-commerce platform for our clients and development team, and the one we most often recommend… Why Magento? That’s a question best answered by each of these areas- development, clients and us as a consulting firm. DEVELOPERS VIEW Our technical team loves Magento – why Magento? Most importantly […]

Knowledge News

Magento Bulk API

One of the great improvements of Magento 2 is its new API, which can be easily leveraged by users and is easy to extend for Magento programmers. The automatically generated Swagger documentation makes the REST interface even more practical. The Magento 2 API covers all main import/export flows of a web shop: creation and update […]